Sunset Over The Gulf

About The Gold Life

The Gold Life

I had a stable, basic 8-4 job. I went to work, I did my job, I came home. Back in 2008 when the economy tanked, something told me that the company I was with was about to lay someone off. They did lay someone off, but it wasn’t me. This did put more work on me as a result, but I was grateful that I had a job, and I made it through that recession.

Several years later, the economy is doing good, and the company is doing good. Throughout the years I had more work added on me, as no one else had been hired. Since I worked in the accounting area, I saw people higher in the ranks than me getting huge pay increases, whereas I along with the rest of the workers would get maybe a 25 cent raise annually.

I finally got the courage up to ask for a decent raise, yet attainable for the company; I was asking for less than a $1 an hour raise. I was denied. At that point, I stopped caring.

Start Working For Yourself

I determined at that point that all the work, and everything I did for that company over the years was for nothing. The cost of inflation had been rising faster than my wages for years. If I’m going to work my butt off, I decided that I’m going to work my butt off to help myself, not to make others rich. I determined that it was time to take control of my future.


Take Control Of Your Life

I’ve started this website to journal my progress on the way to The Gold Life. I’m hoping by following along, I will be able to help others like myself who are stuck in low paying jobs with no future advancement in sight. I’m determined to make it to The Gold Life, and I hope I can help others along the way as well.

If you ever need a hand along your journey or if you have any questions, please leave a message below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,


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