You’ve decided to earn money by selling online. You may have a particular product you are trying to sell, you may have a Shopify store to sell several products, or you may be creating a website to sell through affiliate marketing.
If you’ve started any of these things, or are getting ready to begin any one of these, you need to know that simply listing your item for sale on the internet, or starting a website figuring people will come to you and purchase the products you are offering isn’t that easy.
You have to bring traffic to your website, possibly through SEO, or possibly through advertising. You have to have a product that people want. You have to convince people that you are the person they want to buy from.
Do you have a plan on how to do this?
If you do, that’s great. If you’re struggling with any of these tasks though, I’m guessing that’s the reason you clicked on this article. You want to know how to sell like a ninja. You want the sales to come in so quickly that you’re already working on the next sale as one is taking place.
What is a Ninja
According to Merriam-Webster, an ninja is a practitioner of ninjutsu, which is a martial art sometimes called “the art of stealth” or “the art of invisibility.” The Japanese translation of ninja is “spy.”
When referring to ninja in regards to selling though, ninja is defined through the slang meaning, which is, a ninja is a person who is stealthy or commits a crazy act with good results.
Approaching sales in a different or crazy way in order to get good results sounds like it could be fun, as well as profitable.
Photo by mwangi gatheca on Unsplash
The History of Ninja Selling
Ninja selling was brought about by The Group, Inc. Real Estate Company. It began with one of The Group Inc.’s sales partners who was nicknamed “The Ninja” by the staff in his office because he had great sales volumes, great customer satisfaction and referrals, and yet seemed to have a life outside of his career.
The Ninja Selling system is based on the philosophy of building relationships, listening to the customer, and helping them achieve their goals. It is less about selling and more about how to create value for people.
Although you may not be selling real estate, you can still use the same basic principals of ninja selling with whatever your niche happens to be.
How to Sell Like A Ninja
Although a real estate company founded the ninja selling system and gave this system that name, the basics of this system have been around much longer.
A good old-fashioned salesman would always work at building a relationship with the customer, and work towards achieving that particular customers goals.
Not all people are going to want or need the same thing, and a good salesman will listen to the customers concerns, and help them fulfill their need with the particular product that is the most beneficial to them.
Just like ninja selling, a good salesman will focus on how to create the greatest benefit for the customer rather than simply trying to sell them whatever product they are peddling, and you don’t have to sell real estate to sell like a ninja.
Stop Selling and Start Helping
You may wonder how you can sell like a ninja if you’re told to stop selling. Of course you’ll be selling, but you will need to learn a new approach.
The traditional way of selling by showing someone your product and trying to convince them to purchase it is a turn-off for most people.
Chasing people down so you can show them your product takes a lot of your time, and unless you’re chasing the right prospects, isn’t always very profitable.
Instead of trying to sell your prospect something, find out their needs and introduce them to a solution to what they are looking for.
Become that persons advisor and instead of seeing you as a pushy salesman, they will see you as a trusted advisor that helped them with a problem that they had.
They will be more likely to come back to you when they need something else, and they will also be more likely to recommend you to someone else.
If you want to improve your world, then focus your attention on helping others.
John C. Maxwell
Make all your interactions with prospects about them, not about you. Connect with your customers. Ask them questions to determine what they are looking for, and offer a solution to their particular needs.
Find a way to improve your customer’s life, and they won’t see you as a salesman at all. Just like a ninja, they won’t see you coming, and you’ll end up with good results.
The Pareto Principle
The Pareto Principle was named after economist Vilfredo Pareto, who specified that 80% of consequences come from 20% of the causes. The Pareto Principle is also known as the Pareto Rule, or the 80/20 Rule.
Although the 80/20 rule does not apply to every scenario, it is proven rather effective in selling. The goal of the 80/20 rule in selling is to identify your efforts that are the most productive and make them your priority.
To do this, you must treat your business as a business and keep track of your efforts to determine which actions you take produce the most results.
Once you determine what works, focus on that, and be ready to let go of what doesn’t work. Be ready to embrace change.
What may be uncomfortable in the beginning will eventually become comfortable and lead to success, while what may be comfortable now will become uncomfortable later as you see those actions are unproductive.
You’ll start to work smarter, not harder. Swift and successful, just like a ninja.
Commit to Helping Others
By helping others, you will ultimately help yourself. By helping others, you will be seen as a trusted advisor rather than a pushy salesman. By helping others, you will you help yourself by way of increased sales.
The real estate group may have come up with the name of ninja selling, but this style of selling has been around for much longer, and in various industries.
Treat others with respect, keep your promises, accept responsibility for your actions, maintain a sense of humor, and treat others they way that you would like to be treated.
Help people find a solution to their problem. This is the greatest thing that any salesman can do. And when you help someone find a solution to their problem, you help yourself to a sale. And when the people you help need assistance again, or when they know of someone who needs your help, you will get their recommendation, you will build their trust, and you will get repeat sales.
It really isn’t a novel idea. But if you follow this plan, you too, will be selling like a ninja before you know it.
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Due to the current stay of things with the compulsory quarantine in place, I’ve spent many of my time at home looking for ways to hone my skills as well as make more money. I’m an affiliate marketer and I sell online, which is why I find this post most helpful. It’s really given me some great insights and I’ll put them to good use.
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