When looking for ways to make money online, you will most likely come across affiliate marketing. Being new to online business, you may not be familiar with what exactly affiliate marketing is; you’ve simply read that it was a good way to make money online. For those of you who are new to the online business world, let me start with a basic of affiliate marketing, and then tell you about Wealthy Affiliate 2022.
What is Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing is the process of earing a commission by promoting a company’s products. Each time someone purchases that product through you, you earn a commission.
There are various ways you can promote a product. You can promote a product through paid advertising, or you can promote the product on a website that you create. To promote products through your own website, you have to have a website that others will come to, as well as one that people trust.
SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a great way to bring people to your website where they can build their trust in you, and then purchase products that you review, or products that you advertise.
Would you like to learn more? Then keep reading.
Wealthy Affiliate – The All-In-One Website Builder
I knew absolutely nothing about affiliate marketing when I started looking into it. Most training seems to follow the same path – find a niche that you enjoy, create a website, and write about your niche.
I didn’t quite understand the concept of the niche, and I had no idea how to even begin to create a website, but I do know how to write.
What convinced me to try Wealthy Affiliate is that they offered a free trial with access to their first level of training. I was expecting to have to hand over my credit card information – you know the routine, first week free, and then you have to go through the hassle of trying to cancel if you’re not happy with it. This is not their system at all.
You simply sign up, create a username, and you’re set to give them a try. No giving out your credit card, or any other personal information you don’t wish a website that you’re unfamiliar with to have.
Level 1 training was very informative. The training even helped me create my own website for free; which made me feel good about my internet skills. I still had doubts about handing over my hard-earned money though, so I hesitated before joining. I worked on my newly created website for a while, but became frustrated that I was limited to what I could do on that with only a free membership.
What I found out was, if you want to make money with a website, you’re going to have to lay some money down, plain and simple. What I also found out was Wealthy Affiliate is a good place to start.
Complete Affiliate Marketing Training
Wealthy Affiliate offers training that will cover most aspects of affiliate marketing. Once you have the basics down, there’s experienced marketers on the site that offer additional training for you to scale your business up to the next level.
Wealthy Affiliate offers two basic types of training: an online entrepreneur certification training that walks you through the process of creating a business within any niche that you choose, and an affiliate bootcamp that teaches you how to create a business of promoting Wealthy Affiliate. Many people do both, although it is recommended to get a firm foundation in one type of training before launching into the other one.
Complete Website Hosting
When you sign up for Wealthy Affiliates free membership, they offer you one free website. If you’ve never created a website before, they walk you through the process, step-by-step. They offer you your own domain, as well as free hosting of your website. If you decide to become a premium member, Wealthy Affiliate will host up to 10 websites for you.
Their website hosting itself is worth the cost of a premium membership. Their site support is second to none. You can send them a message at any time, 24/7, and they’re there to help you. I’ve used other hosting services for my websites, but after the site support at Wealthy Affiliate helped me out of a fatal error on a site that wasn’t even hosted with them, I realized how important that quick reply is. At that point, I switched all my sites over to their hosting.
You Never Learn Alone at Wealthy Affiliate
At Wealthy Affiliate, there are members who will help you along your journey. There are many experienced members who are willing to help you whenever you get stuck, or simply want another person’s opinion on a particular strategy. Wealthy Affiliates website gives you a place to ask questions, where you will get an answer within minutes. There are other ways to get help as well through their comment sections, private messaging, and live chat.
Wealthy affiliate is a community with over 1,400,000 members from throughout the world. All of these members were exactly where you are right now, wondering how affiliate marketing can help them reach their goals. Many of these people have created successful businesses and enjoy paying it forward by helping others reach the same level of success.
Premium Membership
If after checking out Wealthy Affiliate’s free membership for a week, you may be wanting more, and you may be wondering how much it will cost. If you’re still not certain about committing to a premium membership, they offer the first month for only $19. This gives a person a chance to get the full experience that Wealthy Affiliate has to offer. After the initial month, cost goes to $49 a month. If you’re interested in saving money and want to commit for the long term, they offer an annual membership for $499.
Wealthy Affiliate now also offers an upgraded membership called “Premium Plus”. This membership carries a much higher price of $99 a month, or $999 for an annual membership. With this upgrade you will get unlimited access to all training on their website, as well as hosting for up to 50 websites.
My recommendation is if you’re new to affiliate marketing, the “Premium Plus” membership is not worth the cost. As mentioned above, for a regular “Premium” membership, you get complete training, as well as additional training by other Wealthy Affiliate members. You will also receive hosting for up to 10 websites, which is more than enough for someone who is just entering the world of affiliate marketing.
Wealthy Affiliate – Overview and Rankings
Name: Wealthy Affiliate
Website: www.wealthyaffiliate.com
Training: 4.2 out of 5.0
Support: 5.0 out of 5.0
Website Builder: 4.5 out of 5.0
WordPress Hosting: 4.8 out of 5.0
Research Tools: 4.6 out of 5.0
Wealthy Affiliate 2022 – Is It Worth It
If you’re looking for a get-rich-quick scheme, this is not it. There are no promises or guarantees with Wealthy Affiliate. That is one thing that they do promote. If you’re looking to begin a long-term sustainable business, Wealthy Affiliate can possibly give you a start.
If you feel that their continuing classes can help, then I would suggest either a monthly or annual Premium membership to be able to follow through their training.
If you have no experience in affiliate marketing, definitely stay away from their Premium Plus membership; there is no way that you will get your money’s worth. The lower priced Premium membership has enough training and tools to help you meet your goals. Wealthy Affiliate will have sales once in a while, and you can always upgrade later if needed.
If you’re are interested in finding out more though, go check it out here —> Wealthy Affiliate. With a week free membership to try it out, you have nothing to lose. If you have any questions, leave them in the comment box below, and I will be glad to help you out.